Foreign Currency Accounts at U.S. Banks

Thanks for the information that you educate others with on I was writing to ask if you knew of any US banks that allow customers to hold their savings in currencies other than the US dollar? I've done some research on the Internet, and it seems that these types of accounts exist more in the UK. I was wondering if any allow for holdings in the Chinese yuan or Indian rupee? The reason I'm asking, currency trading accounts seem risky and I don't like their margin requirements, a savings account or holding a CD in a foreign currency seems like a safer alternative.

I don't know the answer, so I thought I'd throw it out to site visitors - does anyone know of a U.S. bank that allows you to have rupee denominated accounts? In Canada having U.S. Dollar accounts is pretty common (I have one personally and so does one of the businesses I own). But I'm not sure about the U.S. banking system and for currencies more exotic than the Canadian dollar.

n edificio planificado y acondicionado para otorgar servicio

Estas clasificaciones son exclusivamente nacionales, el confort y el nivel de servicio pueden variar de un país a otro para una misma categoría y se basan en criterios objetivos: amplitud de las habitaciones, cuarto de baño, televisión, piscina, etc.

A nivel empresarial, al hotel se le puede considerar una empresa tradicional, se utiliza a menudo el término "industria hotelera" para definir al colectivo, su gestión se basa en el control de costes de producción y en la correcta organización de los recursos (habitaciones) disponibles, así como en una adecuada gestión de las tarifas, muchas veces basadas en cambios de temporada (alta, media y baja) y en la negociación para el alojamiento de grupos de gente en oposición al alojamiento individual.

En los últimos años están apareciendo nuevas formas de gestionar hoteles basadas en técnicas conocidas en otros ámbitos como el condominio o el time sharing, pero no es, todavía, un sistema generalizado.

Hay que añadir que en muchos países se consideran hoteles a los balnearios, hoteles resort y los llamados hoteles hospital, y se les aplican las clasificaciones anteriores de calidad, confort y servicios.

Auto Insurance: Compensation Express

The insurance company, officially launched last Tuesday a new service, called Express Hifad "and directly related to auto insurance Hifad. It is, in fact, a new compensation formula. It will be offered free to all customers of the company. The purpose of Hifad Express is to limit the length of payment to 24 hours. But this applies only to material losses less than or equal to 20,000 DH said Douiri Fouad, managing director of RMA Watanya.
And the formula applies only to passenger vehicles or commercial weighing less than or equal to 3.5 tons. Studies and surveys conducted by the company showed that support in the event of an accident, and promptness in settling claims remain the primary concern of the insured. "We then had to react according to our policy of proximity and innovation that we have erected institutional values​​,"says Douiri. The formula Hifad Express wants even closer to the insured, the company said. The latter, in case of accident, may benefit from immediate expertise to assess damage. The

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Lire phonétiquement
Nouveau ! Cliquez sur les termes ci-dessus pour voir d'autres traductions. Ignorer

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Insurance Car Technology

The third party insurance: This is the minimum provided by law. The insurance covers you for an accident causing damage vis-à-vis third parties who may be passengers in your car or other vehicle. However, you are not protected against damage caused by your vehicle yourself in an accident. If you are not at fault, your company can turn against the other vehicle.

In most cases, third-party insurance is associated with a guarantee legal protection and a glass breakage warranty, giving you a more complete coverage.

Profession libérale de medcin dentiste

Profession libérale
de la médecine : médecin , pharmacien , podiatre , vétérinaire , biologiste médical , dentiste , infirmier , sage-femme ; des ... 6 Ko (762 mots) - 6 avril 2011 à 12:37

for his doctorate.

In France, the internal word means a physician, pharmacist or dentist, both in business and training in the hospital or office for a period varying according to the "Diploma of Specialized Studies (DES) prepared . OF these can last from 3 to 5 years.

In other countries, called internal residents. And the boarding school called "Residence" or "Résidanat.

In many countries already have the internal title of doctor early in their internship which is not the case in France where the memory of DES is most often held thesis of the year for his doctorate.

Assicuratore figlio véhicule sur internet

In many jurisdictions it is compulsory to have vehicle insurance before using or keeping a motor vehicle on public roads. Most jurisdictions relate insurance to both the car and the driver, however the degree of each varies greatly.

Several jurisdictions have experimented with a "pay-as-you-drive" insurance plan which is paid through a gasoline tax. This would address issues of uninsured motorists and also charge based on the miles driven, which could theoretically increase the efficiency of the insurance through streamlined collection.[1]
[edit] Australia

Assurer son véhicule sur internet

Bienvenue sur le site d'information :
Assurer son véhicule sur internet est devenu un moyen très utilisé. En effet les compagnies d’assurance ont tout mis en œuvre pour utiliser le web comme nouveau moyen de distribution.
Ainsi, de nombreux sites proposent d’assurer en ligne votre véhicule après vous avoir soumis un devis.
Il suffit de se munir de toutes les informations concernant le véhicule (la carte grise), votre permis de conduire et tous les renseignements relatifs à vos antécédents en assurance.
Après avoir rempli la demande de devis ainsi que les garanties que vous souhaitez avoir pour votre véhicule, la société d’assurance vous propose un tarif en ligne, si celui-ci vous convenait la conclusion du contrat se fait aussi en ligne.

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Hotels of Services

Hotels offer a Variety of Services to Their guests. The Most traditional are laundry service (clothes washing) and valet service (shoe shining and clothes dry-cleaning and laundry), although Some hotels run 'em On The do-it-yourself limited basis. A big hotel aussi Will Have A restaurant, bar and a coffee shop, a bookstore or a newsstand, a gift shop selling a Variety of souvenirs, and a drug store Providing The Guests With medicine and cosmetics. At a luxury hotel One Can Often find a barbershop and a beauty salon. The guests aussi Might Need the services of a car rental agency, to Be Able to rent a car Through the hotel

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Le forex renvoie à l’échange

Le terme forex, ou marché des changes en français, est issu de la contraction des termes anglais foreign exchange market. Le forex renvoie à l’échange de devises dont les taux de change sont en permanente fluctuation. Pendant très longtemps, le marché des changes était exclusivement réservé aux professionnels, c’est-à-dire aux investisseurs institutionnels, aux banques, aux entreprises et aux gestionnaires de fonds. Cependant, avec l’arrivée d’internet au début des années 90 et des plateformes de trading pour les particuliers, le marché des changes s’est ouvert à un nouveau type d’investisseurs. Ce sont généralement des particuliers qui passent par des courtiers en ligne afin d’investir sur les paires de devises. Généralement

Le Forex est un marché interbancaire

donc pas de place définie comme les bourses (bourse de Paris, de New York.). Le forex est un flux continu d'échanges entre les banques du monde entier. Ces échanges de données permettent de faire fluctuer les devises de tous les pays.
Aujourd'hui, le Forex (Foreign Exchange), c'est un marché interbancaire (de gré à gré) ouvert 24h/24 avec en moyenne 4 000 milliards de dollars journaliers (avril 2010). Les parités les plus traitées sont l'eur/usd (environ 28% du volume global), l'usd/jpy (environ 17% du volume global), le gbp/usd (environ 14% du volume global).

exchange market

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.[1]

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